Annotation is a lot smoother with Pencil strokes no longer getting clipped or disturbing Auto Layout in frames. See also Marcin Wichary’s short thread on how they got to this solution.
Sometimes I feel happier about the little fixes than the giant new features. Using the pencil tool in clipped or AutoLayout frames pretty much always did the Wrong Thing. Thanks to @mwichary for talking through all the little edge cases with me.
— Michael Feldstein (@msfeldstein) August 2, 2022
Rogie comes to the rescue and explains how to preserve a fill color when icons are overridden and swapped. It’s worth keeping a layer name consistent across icons in the library if you plan to use them in different colors.
To get icon colors to preserve when they are overridden and swapped, you need to make sure that your layer names are the same. You'll see in this gif that add_circle and add_shopping_cart have the same layer name...that's how Figma knows to apply the override as you swap.
— ˗ˏˋrogieˎˊ (@rogie) July 29, 2022
Miggi with a mind-blowing trick for selecting items inside of the tight spots.
Haven't posted a #FigmaTip in a while, so here goes.
— miggi from figgi (@miggi) July 28, 2022
In @figma, draw a selection then hold the space bar to move the selection over the objects you want to select. Great for getting items inside of those tight spots. 🎉
Zander Whitehurst shows how to create a cool interactive carousel in Figma. See also his quick video “Wireframe to Landing page” where he uses that carousel in a landing page design.
🎠 Designing curved carousels in @figma, supafast!
— Zander Whitehurst (@zander_supafast) July 27, 2022
The fresh look of the Figma Community with improved search and a new browsing experience makes it easier to discover and differentiate between categories like product (Figma or FigJam), use cases (like design systems), and resources (widgets or plugins).
Miggi shows how to create a FigJam file, maximize the FigJam collaboration features, navigate the FigJam toolbar, add text, images, and stickers to your file, use sections for organization, and finally, how to invite others to your FigJam file.
Joey Banks is back with five advanced Figma tips — renaming layers in bulk, selecting all objects based on a specific property, Spacebar’s superpower, private components, and using descriptions to improve search.
A new plugin with 120+ high-quality free illustrations by Vijay Verma.
Ridd shares five awesome strategies for using component properties: strategic nesting, progressive disclosure, minimizing decisions, emojis, and streamlining the instance swap.
These two components might LOOK the same...
— Ridd 🏛 (@Ridderingand) July 6, 2022
But they couldn't be more different:
• ✅ One crushes component props
• ❌ One creates a nightmare
5 best practices for component props 👇
Love this behind-the-scenes video of Nikolas Klein and William Wu from Figma experimenting with how fast they can set a spring animation based on a feeling.
One more @figma behind the scenes around building the editor for spring animations w/ @willyvvu and @rickrajj.
— Niko (@nikolasklein) June 22, 2022
Once we got a rough version working we tried out how fast you can set a spring animation based on a _feeling_ (aka me making weird noises).
Have fun!
”Loreum ipusm for logos. Insert dummy logos of companies into your Figma or FigJam file quickly. The plugin also includes 194 flags of countries as well as popular brand logos.” Don’t miss Vijay’s Twitter thread of a story and details behind this plugin.
Prototyper is a new plugin from the team behind Automator, offering powerful prototyping with JavaScript right in Figma, similar to the old days of Framer Classic. A really powerful combo for exploring ideas and building prototypes in higher fidelity.
Joey Banks introduced the new version of his iOS 16 UI Kit just a few days after WWDC 2022. Joey’s kits are fantastic resources for making iOS apps and learning about the organization of a large system. This year, he is also offering a paid version that includes exactly the same files, but by purchasing you’ll support the project and receive library updates and video walkthroughs.
Yet another fantastic artwork by Vijay Verma. Make sure to check out the community file and other tweets in this thread with his explanation of the process.
Rogie talks with designers from Applied Intuition about balancing the inherent complexity of the autonomous vehicles development process with simple UX solutions that span both 2D and 3D spaces
Miggi shows how to use images as masks.
Martin Bekerman is a great artist — make sure to see more of his works.
Here's an inside look at the guts of the new PFP as built in Figma. Simple shapes with blurs + gradients are really powerful.
— 𝙎𝘼𝙑𝘼𝙂𝙀 𝘿𝙊𝙂𝙎 ™ (@mysavagedogs) June 14, 2022
🌁 Animating carousels in @figma, supafast!
— Zander Whitehurst (@zander_supafast) June 13, 2022
Rasmus, who used to work on this at Figma, shares his workflow for designing in P3 color space and exporting assets in sRGB. Sadly, it’s still a very tricky process.
I wish Figma implemented color space support (color management.) I design in P3 and my workflow for exporting images is: export, run imagemagick to assign the correct profile (my workspace profile). Finally, run imagemagick to convert the image’s colors to sRGB.
— Rasmus Andersson (@rsms) June 15, 2022
Cool widget recommendations by Zander Whitehurst: Voice Memo, Storymapper, and FigJenda.
🎁 3 wicked Figjam widgets in @figma
— Zander Whitehurst (@zander_supafast) June 8, 2022