Cool page curl prototype by Miggi. Don’t miss the page turn animation on click.
Miggi explains and shows the new export options in action.
Miggi shows a wildly creative application of boolean groups to vector networks.
Prevent accidental removal of FigJam sections by locking the background of a section.
Miggi shows three updates to frame presets in UI3: the first frame dropped onto a blank canvas will land at 0x0y coordinates; when clicking on the canvas to add a new frame, Figma will default to the size of the last-used frame; when using the frame tool, quick-add indicators will appear beside and between frames so you can quickly insert additional frames.
A new introductory Figma tutorial from Miggi, updated for UI3. It covers basic concepts like shapes, vector graphics, typography, resizing, Auto Layout, and applying them all to build a simple user interface card.
In this workshop, Miggi explores approaches to Advanced prototyping in Figma: “We‘ll walk through examples using variables and component sets to create dynamic prototypes that are easy to manage and iterate upon. This is an intermediate level workshop and builds on a basic understanding of prototyping in Figma Design.”
Miggi explains how to control the behavior of text fields with visual and keyboard shortcuts without touching the auto width/height or fixed size controls in the Design panel.
Miggi applies the new “Remove background” AI feature, a vector mask outlining the shape, a hidden “Show mask outlines” command (that I didn’t know about!), and a simple prototype to create a popping out head avatar.
A 7‑minute tutorial from Miggi on using the new Suggest Auto Layout and the AI features “Rewrite this,” “Replace content,” and “Rename layers.”
Minimize or hide the new UI to regain more screen real estate as you work.
A quick tip from Miggi on using grids to generate type scale and place graphics.
Miggi reminds us that property labels in Figma UI can now be turned on or off.
Whoa, finally! Can’t believe this is getting fixed a few days before Config. Add bold, italic, underline, or strikethrough font style to a portion of text with an applied style without detaching it first.
The second edition of the UI Battle! Watch as Miggi from Figgi aka The Notorious PNG, Pablo Stanley aka The Layer Slayer, and Mariana Pedroza aka Da Design Thunder take on design challenges, shit-talk, and throw a fantastic performance. This is the only live sport I need!
Split tabs are now available in the desktop app! Miggi shows how to get the most out of them. Keeping split tabs with raw materials in FigJam while designing in Figma is surprisingly convenient and something I’ve been doing a lot this week.
If you can watch only one, here Miggi compares how editing objects across multiple frames works now and how it used to work previously. He covers some of the most significant changes — scaling and rotating multiple objects, the ability to select matching layers across a series of frames (Option-Command-A or Ctrl-Alt-A), reliance on the layer name and position, editing text across multiple frames (Enter), how editing works with Auto Layout, and using sections to scope selection of matching layers.
Multi-edit is a powerful feature with many nuances when it comes to editing a series of related mockups or updating component variants, so Miggi prepared an entire playlist of videos covering every aspect in full depth. I highly recommend setting aside 30 minutes to watch them all in order.
Miggi goes over all of the basics when getting started with variables and modes for your design layouts. “Explore what it takes to use variables to create a dark and light mode experience, change the density of your spacing, vary the languages your design UI can accommodate, and so much more.”
Miggi celebrates his 3rd anniversary at Figma (congratulations!) by demonstrating how to make a color wheel. (A coincidence, but just earlier this week I was making the same color wheel with a very similar technique!)
Celebrating my three year anniversary by showing you all how to make a color wheel in @figma and giving a bonus hex value explainer along the way! 🎨
— Miggi ✌🏽 (@miggi) January 5, 2024