Molly Hellmuth with a tip on using the “Ignore auto layout” feature to add a scrollbar to the menu, among other things. It’s one of my favorite features, making it easy to preserve Auto Layout while making designs more realistic and interesting.
Joey Banks on creating responsive and robust components within Figma: “Creating a component in Figma is relatively easy. However, building a component that works well in various situations and for different screen widths and heights using tools like constraints and auto layout can be more challenging and intimidating. Let’s first talk about those tools and how they work within Figma, and I’ll share the techniques and practices that have helped me ensure I’m building reliable components for those depending on the system.”
A 7‑minute tutorial from Miggi on using the new Suggest Auto Layout and the AI features “Rewrite this,” “Replace content,” and “Rename layers.”
A few ways to see the pixel values on Auto Layout frames by KC Oh.
Jackie Chui, a Product Designer at Figma, shares a few more quality-of-life improvements to Auto Layout that the new Suggest Auto Layout feature might have outshined.
Software Engineer Shirley Miao explains how the new “auto auto layout“ was built.
“We’ve updated Auto Layout to make it more predictable when you need it and easier to ignore when you don’t. Now, Figma can not only suggest when multiple frames of Auto Layout might be needed for a full design element, but also create those frames for you. This will save you time from having to apply it frame by frame within a design. Plus, you can hold Ctrl to ignore Auto Layout while dragging a design element into an Auto Layout frame to set an absolute position.” Try it out at the playground.
Christine Vallaure’s talk at last year’s SmashingConf on CSS Container Queries and how designers can tackle them using Figma. If videos are not your jam, see her article on Why UI designers should understand Flexbox and CSS Grid.
The beauty of Auto Layout in action by Dmitriy Bunin.
Responsive dashboard template made with Figma.#uidesign
— Dmitriy Bunin (@buninux) March 23, 2023
Another week, another topic for designers to argue about (even Figma had to chip in)! 100% agree with Yasir: “Designers skeptical about Figma’s Auto Layout probably haven’t tried coding their designs. Once you do, you’ll see everything in code is about stacks and Auto Layouts. It’s a basic principle, not a style choice.”
Still not a fan of auto layout?
— Yasir (●ᴗ●) (@yasirbugra) February 28, 2024
Christine Vallaure explains the basics of CSS Flexbox and how it translates to Figma’s Auto Layout. “Discover how to set up individual flex properties for items and explore the nesting capabilities of Flexbox. While Flexbox is great for component layout, CSS Grid offers more control for overall page layout. Find out how to use both in harmony for optimal design.”
Ana Boyer with a tutorial on how to create a range slider with Auto Layout.
Rogie with a mini-tutorial on making Mario Kart-inspired resizable buttons with fun shapes.
I love fun bordered buttons, like this Game UI from Mario Kart, so, I wanted to show you how to do this in @figma...and they work with auto layout and do not warp or squish.
— ˏˋrogieˎˊ (@rogie) November 3, 2023
Here's your mini tut 🧵
A smart way to utilize line-wrapping in Auto Layout to achieve word highlighting effect.
Surely not the first to realize this, but I had a moment of clarity this morning after three cups of coffee and realized that we can FINALLY do reliable word highlighting using line-wrapping in Auto Layout.
— Jon Moore (@TheJMoore) October 3, 2023
Be still my heart.
👀 @figma
Somewhat related to the previous article, Ridd looked for a way to account for optical balance when icons are hidden from a button. Jordan suggested a smart solution of wrapping the label in an Auto Layout with an additional smaller padding that adds up with and without the icon.
More Figma nerdery...
— Ridd 🤿 (@ridd_design) August 22, 2023
I want to account for optical balance when icons are hidden from my button (so ideally you'd have less padding when an icon is present)
Anyone have a better solution than wrapping icons in a smaller frame and attaching the boolean there?
An in-depth walkthrough of how to use Figma’s Auto Layout to quickly add padding and alignment rules to standardize your design elements from the Noun Project.
Miggi shows how to make a notification badge that expands to fill its contents with Auto Layout.
Ozan Öztaskiran shows how to create responsive grids in 5 simple steps.
❖ Creating Responsive Grids
— Ozan Öztaskiran (@ozanoz) July 31, 2023
A Step-by-Step Guide
Responsive grids can make your life a lot easier as a designer if you want your content to be flexible.
Here's how it's done in 5 simple steps ↓
Learn how to use min and max values when working with the auto layout in your designs, with a bonus of updated text truncation and max lines feature for paragraph text.