Sponsor Figmalion

Figmalion is a weekly newsletter about Figma and design tools, with an easily accessible collection of the most valuable resources. It’s published on Mondays and read by 8,082 designers.

The sponsored link is prominently featured at the beginning of the issue. There is only one sponsored link per issue, so every sponsor gets the full attention of the audience. The sponsored link will appear in one email distributed to all subscribers and will be on the front page of Figmalion for the week. Later, it stays permanently linked in the archived issue on the website.

Interested in sponsoring?

Here are a few details about the newsletter:

  • 8,082 subscribers
  • 54.6% open rare
  • 10.9% click rate / 19.8% CTR
  • Sent every Monday

Sponsored links cost $350 per issue, with a discounted rate of $300 for booking 3 or more.

For more information or to reserve a slot, please get in touch.

Past sponsors