Molly shows how to add real interactions to your prototypes. Variables make this slide show really easy to make.
💡Figma tip: Make your prototype update content like it’s the real thing!
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) September 29, 2023
All you need is one variable and a few components in place. Like a carousel container, a couple of tab-group variants, and some nifty interactions.
Let's dive in 👇
Molly Hellmuth with tips on the best ways to name, organize, use, and theme color variables.
💡 10 things I learned while adding variables to my Figma design system
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) September 20, 2023
Like the best ways to name, organize, use, and theme colors.. without getting overly complicated!
Some were easy, some took days of testing and re-testing... 👇
Molly with step-by-step instructions for using rem units in your text properties. The developers on your team will be grateful for using the same units as they do when it comes to the handoff time!
💡 Figma tip: Switch between PIXEL and REM units in dev mode!
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) September 8, 2023
Why does it matter?
✅ Helps you understand scale and sizes
✅ Smoothens collab with your dev team
✅ Brings flexibility & precision to your design workflow
Keep reading for step-by-step instructions..
Molly shares the best practices for working with color that she learned from the Adobe Spectrum design system.
💡 Figma tip: 5 color best practices I'm stealing from Adobe Spectrum while I update my design system to include variables ✨🎨
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) August 11, 2023
Keep reading for tips & examples..
Molly shares her 3 favorite tips from the Config talk “Designer and developer workflows unlocked using Dev Mode” — using “Compare changes” (my favorite as well, and the first thing I showed my team!), testing components in the Playground, and switching between the design and Dev Mode by pressing the Shift‑D shortcut.
💡 Start using Figma's new dev mode with these 3 tips!
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) July 28, 2023
Config's deep dive on dev mode with @Avantika789, @laurenbandres, @jennylea_, and Jake Albaugh is CHALK FULL of amazing tips!
Keep reading for my favorite 3..
Molly Hellmuth asked 5 of her go-to design system people — Luis Ouriach, Nathan Curtis, Lewis Healey, Dan Mall, and Maria Christopher — for advice on how to start using Figma variables. My heart goes to Luis’ advice to start in a spreadsheet before jumping to Figma (but that’s also my answer to any life question).
I asked 5 of my go-to design system people for advice on how to start using Figma variables..@danmall @nathanacurtis @mariachrstphr @Lewishealey @disco_lu
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) July 13, 2023
..and, wow! There are SO many golden nuggets in these answers..
Molly Hellmuth shares five updates you can make with the new min/max sizing and auto layout wrap that will make a big difference in your designs. Tip #5 on having text grow in both directions is my favorite!
⭐️Figma tip: 5 easy updates you can make with figma's new min/max sizing that will make a BIG difference in your designs!
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) June 30, 2023
Especially when paired with auto layout wrap..
Molly Hellmuth points to five places where her students often get stuck when building component sets in Figma. Matching names of the layers across variants, ordering and grouping properties, rearranging a component set for the most common variant, and breaking down large component sets are all great tips for getting unstuck.
💡Figma tips: 5 places my students get stuck when building a component set in Figma..
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) June 16, 2023
and how to get unstuck 👇
Molly Hellmuth shares her favorite tips from the “Figma like the Pro’s” series — editing Auto Layout directly on the frame, using Constraints with Grids, deleting and healing vectors, using Auto Layout as an organizing tool, and copying links to specific pages, frames, or sections.
"Figma like the Pro's" is a TREASURE TROVE of tips!!!
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) May 19, 2023
I just binged all of them and here are a 5 of my favorites.. 🤩
Molly Hellmuth shares the top 10 places where her students get stuck when building their first design system in Figma. Many of those involve tactics that once were considered best practices but got depreciated by newer features and approaches. Her answers to the tricky questions come from a ton of knowledge and experience.
💡 Top 10 places my students get stuck when building their first design system in Figma.
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) April 7, 2023
Keep reading for their questions & my answers..
Molly Hellmuth shared a few tips from her recent event with Smashing Magazine.
Molly Hellmuth explains how to build the perfect combo button that contains two actions in one component, each with independent states and resizing behaviors. This button allows designers to combine related actions, saving space and simplifying designs.
💡Figma Tip: Build the perfect combo button
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) February 10, 2023
Create a button that contains 2 actions in one component. Each with independent states and resizing behaviors. This button allows designers to combine related actions, saving space and simplifying designs.
Keep reading to learn how..
Epic thread by Molly Hellmuth on the best practices for using property, variant, and Auto Layout features. She just rebuilt her popular UI Prep design system with the latest Figma features and learned a lot in the process.
💡Figma tips: 7 things I learned the hard way updating my 2023 design system.
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) January 26, 2023
Keep reading to learn new best practices for Figma’s latest property, variant, and auto layout features!..
I’ve been enjoying Molly Hellmuth’s Friday Five newsletter with Figma tips and tricks. In the most recent issue, she shared a few clips from her Design System Bootcamp – like this tip on organizing file structure or another one on component properties.
Molly Hellmuth shares common mistakes that many of her students make when building their first design system, from overusing component sets and styles to mismanaging icons and making every component public.
💡Top 10 Figma mistakes I see my students make when they build their first design system.. and how to avoid them
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) December 2, 2022
Keep reading to learn how..
Molly Hellmuth with a detailed walkthrough of beta features and why they’re worth using right away.
💡 Figma Tip: Starting using the new BETA PROPERTY features now!
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) September 20, 2022
This update is huge! There are 3 major ways it’s going to make using component instances much easier for your design team.
Keep reading to learn how..
Molly Hellmuth gives a few practical recommendations on creating a bulletproof color system.
Molly Hellmuth shares a few things she learned about using Component Properties after rebuilding a design system from scratch.
I just rebuilt my Design System from scratch (to include Config2022 updates)
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) August 11, 2022
Here are the 3 biggest thing I learned about using Component Properties during this process..
Molly Hellmuth with 5 step-by-step examples on how and when to use Component Properties.
💡Figma Tip: Start Using Component Properties
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) June 1, 2022
Component Properties were Figma’s biggest release at Config2022. They’re shaking up how components should be built on a foundational level, in a big/great way!
Keep reading for 5 step-by-step examples on how and when to use them..
Molly Hellmuth discusses five major changes to the Auto Layout introduced at Config 2022.