Two new tools in an improved FigJam toolbar: Highlighter (Shift‑M, hold Shift for straight lines) to highlight text and objects and Eraser (Shift-Delete) to delete individual strokes to correct and refine your sketches. See also this tweet from Miggi on how to bring doodles made with Highlighter from FigJam to Figma.
“Use link previews to add sources of inspiration and useful context to your FigJam file. Paste links of rich media from other websites — like videos, articles, or documents — and FigJam will turn them into a preview on your board. Figma will even make some link previews interactive, which allow you to pan around Figma design files and city maps, or stream music and videos while you work in FigJam.”
Grapic is the iPhone app and a FigJam widget that lets you use a real pen, paper, and whiteboards with your remote colleagues, clients, and friends.
A FigJam widget to help your group take turns. Keep track of whose turn it is, who’s already gone, and who’s left.
“We’re bringing our open platform to FigJam so developers can build plugins and widgets to automate workflows and engage the entire team. Widgets are interactive, native-like objects — like polls, games, and notepads — that the entire team can use together. Hear from Figmates and developers from the Community to see how you can build your own!”
“Get an inside look into how engineers across Figma use FigJam to stay aligned, share feedback, and communicate complex problems. We’ll showcase how we’ve integrated FigJam into our engineering process and arm you with templates to use with your team.”
“We recently caught up with three of Figma’s engineers — Alice Ching, Joey Wang, and Greg Blaszczuk — to learn more about how they use FigJam to navigate their day-to-day. Here, they share how jamming helps them break down complex problems, work through feedback together, and add more fun to the workday.”
A new plugin from Gleb Sabirzyanov for getting custom colors from Figma to FigJam.
Play Rock Paper Scissors with your friends in FigJam.
Play Tic-Tac-Toe with 2 or more players.
Take memorable team selfies with the whole team.
Fully-fledged calendar widget by Mirko Santangelo.
A simple todo widget by Jordan Singer.
Speaking of visual thinking, this prototype is a great illustration of the power of widgets. Can’t wait for it to get approved!
I got a very rough prototype of visual programming working with FigJam widgets! 🤯 Excited to experiment with this more.
— Cole Bemis (@colebemis) October 21, 2021
Heavily inspired by @_paulshen's ❤️
Sho Kuwamoto on the role of widgets and how Figma and FigJam work together. See also his thoughts on why design tools exist.
When I think about figjam vs @figmadesign, I think of them as two points in a long path that we are on, as a company.
— Sho Kuwamoto (@skuwamoto) October 20, 2021
And this is because I don’t really think of figma as a design tool, per se
Fantastic examples of real-life FigJam use cases in the classroom.
So pumped for all the new features coming to FigJam, our digital whiteboard, that will help more students to have a voice and bring joy to classrooms around the world 🪄 Here are some of my favorite new FigJam features for edu 👇 (1/10)
— Lauren McCann (@lemmccann) October 19, 2021
Thread by Dylan Field, the CEO of Figma, on not just translating physical experiences into digital realms but also making digital experiences even better than physical counterparts.
Today is one of the biggest launches in @figmadesign history. SO PROUD OF THIS TEAM!
— Dylan Field (@zoink) October 19, 2021
ICYMI, we announced widgets / plugins in FigJam, open sessions, code blocks, rich content embeds, some great new partnerships and more:
Thread 👇 (1/9)
A huge change for organizations with external collaborators and education. “Open sessions is a way for visitors to join your FigJam file without having to create an account. Now FigJam is a welcoming space for all participants — from the teammate, to the external partner, to the occasional jammer.”
So many great things in a single announcement! New pricing starting February 2022 ($0–5/editor/month), open sessions, widgets, plugins, embedded content, as well as new shapes, code blocks, and templates.