#FigJam Protip: Easily hide or show the dot grid with 'Command + /" and type "Show Dot Grid" to turn the dot grid on and off.
— miggi from figgi (@miggi) June 8, 2021
(Command + P on international keyboards)
(Ctrl + / or Ctrl +P) on Windows) @figmadesign pic.twitter.com/INjWcprr2L
Excited to ship v1 of Create Figma Plugin, my open-source toolkit for developing @FigmaPlugins!
— Yuan Qing Lim (@yuanqinglim) May 19, 2021
🤯 Sub-second build times
😌 Separate commands in separate files
🤓 Utility functions
😎 Components that replicate the Figma UIhttps://t.co/m8G9UqS5gs
👇 More info in the thread.
Pablo Stanley shows his use of Figma components and variants for creating an illustration system of characters for a new comics series, The Design Team.
Creating an illustration system for a new comics series using @figmadesign
— Pablo Stanley (@pablostanley) May 29, 2021
I’ll make the doodles available as open source and on @blushdesignapp later.
Follow the IG account to read the comics when they’re out https://t.co/9udNJXghdF pic.twitter.com/R4CIUKhRdr
Miggi makes a sunburst graphic and puts a bird on it. Don’t miss part two, where he explores a totally different and quite creative way to build it with a stroke.
Make a sunburst graphic (and put a bird on it) in @figmadesign with #ProfessorFigma #figmatip pic.twitter.com/GvIPJw9bgN
— miggi from figgi (@miggi) May 26, 2021
A few things I wish I had known earlier on for working in @figmadesign—I hope one or more of these can be helpful to someone out there! 🙏
— Joey Banks (@joeyabanks) May 12, 2021
1) Hold ⌘ + drag a frame to resize it to ignore any of the constraints set for the items inside. ↔️
Setting thumbnails with FigJam with Professor Figma, let’s go! #figjam @figmadesign #figtoks #figmatips #professorfigma pic.twitter.com/gRRTAFFuPG
— miggi from figgi (@miggi) May 11, 2021
Gleb Sabirzyanov shows how to move components between files using his Master plugin.
Miguel took over Figma’s Instagram account for a day and shared a bunch of quick tutorials.
Yesterday I took over @figmadesign's instagram with some Professor Figma 1:1 aspect ratio videos. Here is a thread of them since many of you cannot watch them without an IG account. Enjoy:
— miggi from figgi (@miggi) May 18, 2021
1. Making a Gear Icon: pic.twitter.com/shbZwSO5VE
Hey, guess what?
— luis. (@disco_lu) April 26, 2021
You can now open multiple prototypes from different pages at the same time on the desktop app.
Get noodlin' 🍜 pic.twitter.com/3yB56vo1Sx
Many of us may already know this shortcut, but just wanted to share in case it's helpful for any designer who's newer to @figmadesign! Double clicking on the edge of a text box will quickly allow you to set its size to be Auto Width, saving you a few seconds of work each time. ↔️ pic.twitter.com/PBUN8oLySE
— Joey Banks (@joeyabanks) May 4, 2021