Issue #47

FigJam plugins and widgets. Audio calls, cursor chat, and high-fives.

I believe this issue breaks all previous records for a number of major features shipped in two weeks. Just look at this list: FigJam plugins and widgets with custom objects; audio calls, cursor chat, and high fives; people mentions in the Community; updates to FigJam on the iPad; improved experience for admins of Teams and Organizations; and even a revision to the Education plan! I’m most excited to see what smart FigJam widgets the community will come up with — the possibilities are truly endless!

In August, I worked on a fun project of reconstructing the color system of Postmark and making it more accessible. That project involved a ton of research on color science, and I ended up building an internal tool based on HCL/​LCh color model with built-in support for WCAG 2.1 and 3.0 contrast checks. Last week, I got a great opportunity to spend some time turning this internal tool into a public app. Can’t wait to write about the app and why the HSL color model shouldn’t be used for color systems!

— Eugene


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