Figma @figmadesign protip: You can animate Angular gradients strokes. Make a simple loading animation by rotating the angle of the Angular gradient on a shape's stroke.
— miggi from figgi (@miggi) December 10, 2020
s/o to @annehelliott for the question & @BenMendelsohn for the rectangle.
Figma @figmadesign Protip... If you ever want to hide just your layers but keep the properties panel on the right when screen sharing (cuz layers be looking rough sometimes)... just hide only them `Command + Shift + \`
— miggi from figgi (@miggi) December 3, 2020
(You can also hide everything with `Command + \`)
Yo @figmadesign coming through with the holiday treats!!! ScrollTo Interactions in prototyping solves a problem I've been having for a while...wanting to traverse spaces!
— miggi from figgi (@miggi) December 8, 2020
Here is something I whipped up in 5min. I set up an underlying grid of instances to form a grid of targets.
From @figmadesign file to face mask
— Toni Gemayel (@tonigemayel) November 18, 2020
Ever wanted to do sweet little link styles in figma like different colored underlines or even backgrounds that still obey auto-layout? @rogie taught me this neato trick.
— Matthew (@whale) November 25, 2020
Magic Layout plugin concept for Figma ✨
— jordan singer (@jsngr) November 22, 2020
Automatically apply Auto Layout constraints and resizing to your layers.
Like, I'm just getting started with it, so use a little imagination here, but the fact that you can smart animate new @figmadesign auto-layout options will save a ton of time.
— miggi from figgi (@miggi) November 19, 2020
Here the only difference between the frames is the "fill container" option on the middle doodad.
#FigmaTip: Heres a quick tip with two different ways to size/distribute spacing using the latest updates to Auto Layout in @figmadesign. Hope you all like it!
— Tom Lowry (@negativespaceca) November 19, 2020
Here's a quick run-down on how @figmadesign's improved Auto Layout works with child layers:
— ˗ˏˋrogieˎˊ (@rogie) November 20, 2020
≺≻ Fill
≻≺ Hug
⊢⊣ Fixed#FigmaTip
Neat, you can style the wrapper around variants in @figmadesign
— Steve Ruiz (@steveruizok) November 2, 2020
A #TotallyRadFigmaTip for you — I cover 3 new features to ease communication with your developers:
— ˗ˏˋrogieˎˊ (@rogie) November 3, 2020
🔥 Documentation Link field (just dropped!)
✨ "Parent Component" inspect panel area
✨ Animation panel inspect panel area#FigmaTips
Here's how to do it in @figmadesign:
Great tip! Other replies to Rogie’s original tweet are also worth checking out.
Duplicate line segments while holding the option key, and click-dragging. And Shift + X to swap fill and stroke.
— miggi from figgi (@miggi) October 26, 2020
Dark mode in @figmadesign?
— luis. (@disco_lu) October 20, 2020
Sure 🕴
Jump into chrome://flags/ and search for Dark Mode.
You can thank @neversitdull for finding this beauty.
Don’t miss a response from Nikolas Klein, showing how to resize objects while respecting the distance between them.
Little #figmatip to head into the weekend.
— luis. (@disco_lu) October 16, 2020
I only just found out that you can rearrange items with the little pink dot on your selected components / Frames / shapes.
Here it is. A workaround for your buttons to preserve icon colors when you swap out icons.
— ˗ˏˋrogieˎˊ (@rogie) October 30, 2020
This has been another #TotallyRadFigmaTip from ya boi.
Here's the @Figmadesign file: #figmatip
The Inspect panel was also updated this week to make translating design to code easier. Now it provides extra details like documentation, parent component, and animation behaviors. Watch a quick demo by Rogie.
We’re updating the Inspect panel so it’s even easier to translate designs → code. This week, you’ll start to see extra details like documentation, parent component, and animation behaviors.
— Figma (@figma) October 28, 2020
Learn more ⤵️
We’ve been playing around with variants in @figmadesign for a few weeks and leveraged the feature to clean up components in #Polaris for Retail, one of our local design systems. This makes it so much easier to choose and switch between variants. There’s no going back. @ShopifyUX
— Tobias Negele (@tobiasnegele) October 27, 2020
Had some fun playing with @figmadesign variants for our Spotify mobile design system. In this example, moving from 36 to 4 track row components, resulting in a much cleaner asset panel! ✨ Having both global and variant descriptions was a nice bonus!
— Mattias Johansson (@mattiasjo) October 28, 2020
Psyched to integrate @figmadesign variants into our Spotify web design system. It's so much easier to use this way- we had 105 buttons components before and will now have 3! 🤯
— Juli Sombat (@jsombat) October 28, 2020
Quick @figmadesign FYI: With Variants we are also extending what overrides are preserved when swapping instances or changing variants.
— Niko (@nikolasklein) October 23, 2020
But the rules for variant changes are a bit stricter. I’ll explain in the thread, but you can also read up upon it here: