All Issues

Issue #9

Config 2020 Recap. Designing with real data.

This issue continues Config recap as more participants shared their thoughts about the conference, and Figma itself published recordings of all talks. One of the most discussed topics in the community is designing with real data, and thanks to plugins there are plenty of ways to fill mockups with content from the APIs. Speaking of plugins, a few collections were published in the last weeks where everyone can find something useful. And don’t miss the discussions on Twitter and a fun chart showing the popularity of product design tools over time. Enjoy the issue!

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Issue #8

Config 2020 Recap. Noah Levin AMA. Deprecating components.

Config 2020 happened a little over a week ago, and it seems like Figma nailed it with their first user conference. This issue includes a large recap of all the announcements, keynotes, talks, and impressions that were posted after it. Also, don’t miss Ask-Me-Anything with Figma’s Design Director, robust workflow for deprecating old components, plugin development tutorial, and a ton of new community projects both from individual illustrators and large companies. Enjoy!

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Issue #7

Figma Flow. Figmac. Design Lint.

Figma’s first user conference Config is happening this Thursday, and even while after some pondering I decided not to attend, FOMO is high now. Lineup of speakers looks great, so make sure to register for a livestream of morning keynotes. In the meantime, this issue will fill you in on a collaboration model, syncing colors from Figma to GitHub files, what a native macOS app may (or even currently does!) look like, an interview with the CEO of Figma, an introduction of community remixes, and follow-up on recent outages. Enjoy the links and the conference, if you’re going!

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Issue #6

Switching to Figma. Backups. Plugin development.

So nice to write an issue jam-packed with good stuff after the holidays break! Today we’ll contemplate Figma’s direction in the future, dive deep into design systems, explore drawing tools, get to know where and how Figma’s UI was designed, discuss working in private without peering eyes, and get an important reminder about backups. This is a good issue to share with your friends and colleagues!

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Issue #5

No-code native apps. Presenting with Figma. Migrating design systems.

Happy New Year! In the first issue of 2020, we talk about building native mobile apps without writing code, using Figma for presentations, working on UX writing and content design, as well as look back at some of the best articles from the past on migrating design systems and building Figma with C++, asm.js, and WebGL.

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Issue #4

Auto Layout. Typographer plugin. Made in Figma, 2019.

Happy holidays to everyone who is celebrating this week! 🎄 In the last issue of 2019, we have the whole section dedicated to Auto Layout coverage, a few stories on switching, a podcast with the creative director of Figma, fantastic article on the current implementation of line height, and a look back at this year and the whole decade from the company itself. Enjoy!

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Issue #3

Auto Layout. 2019 Design Tools Survey. The State of UX.

I expected this issue to be very light because of Thanksgiving, but was I wrong! Figma shipped a big update last Thursday that gives all of its users something to be thankful for. Auto Layout is the main news, but in this issue of Figmalion we’ll also cover different ways to create animations, end-of-year surveys and reports, building and moving design systems, and a bunch of plugins (including one by me).

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Issue #2

Organizing and maintaining projects. Tailwind CSS. Flows & wireframes.

In this issue we talk about essential apps for running a design team, making Figma work on an iPad, different approaches to organizing and maintaining projects, integrating with Tailwind CSS, and a quick guide for beginners. There is also a collection of great plugins for building flows, wireframing, documenting designs, enhancing work with components, and building themes. Feel free to send me any related links by replying to this email or contacting me directly.

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Issue #1

Welcome to the 1st issue!

Welcome to the 1st issue of Figmalion! After discovering Figma back in 2016 and moving most of my work to it this year I became excited about the disruption of design tooling and started following news and discussions around it more closely. I figured that as I am looking for and reading all these articles anyway I may as well share them with others. Please feel free to send me any related links by replying to this email or contacting me directly. Thanks for subscribing!

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