All Issues

Issue #19

Config 2020. Shadow spread. Style Picker Improvements.

The Figma team is on fire! đŸ”„ Make sure to check out fantastic updates released during the last two weeks. Figma also announced the next Config conference, which will be in September and completely virtual.

A collection of design systems shared in Figma Community is a great resource to explore and learn from. Relay app looks very promising for integrating Figma into the development process, and in general, I enjoy seeing a rising interest in Figma from developers. If you’re into tabletop games, don’t miss the story on designing and playing Star Trek Adventures in Figma. Enjoy!

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Issue #18

Organizing projects. Fine-tuning typography. Dylan Field AMA.

Summer is a slower time for many businesses, and a good opportunity to do an internal cleanup. This issue has an entire section on organizing your files and projects in Figma. There are also many interesting videos, like Figma55 on building stretchy layouts with Layout Grids and Constraints, and Google Design on crafting dark themes. ​“Office Hours” videos by Figma are always a great way to learn something new as well. In the end, don’t miss an interview and AMA with Dylan Field.

P.S. I added the Sponsorship page to Figmalion website. If you have a product related to Figma, design tools, or UI design, consider supporting this project and sponsoring the newsletter’s next issue.

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Issue #17

Why Figma wins. WWDC. Design process.

Welcome, new subscribers from Designer News and Sidebar! It’s great to see so many new people joining the newsletter and sharing it over the last couple of weeks. Thank you for subscribing!

We have lots to cover in this issue. Kevin Kwok wrote a popular post on ​“Why Figma Wins” from a VC perspective that I highly recommend reading. Apple held their Worldwide Developers Conference online for the first time and presented major visual updates to both macOS and iOS. Figma community already built kits for iOS 14 UI and Widgets, and jumped on a challenge to recreate Big Sur icons. The team at Evil Martians shared tips on using Auto Layout, while a few other teams shared their experience of switching to Figma and how it compares to other tools. Enjoy!

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Issue #16

Constraints and Layout Grids. Design by design. Design systems.

I decided not to send a newsletter last week, as the focus was on more important topics and conversations. While that’s still the case, let’s try to get back to our regular broadcasting.

In this issue, we’ll learn how to use Constraints with Layout Grids, how to control spacing with spacer components and Auto Layout, and see how a component-based approach can be applied to an illustration system. We’ll also look at how Microsoft builds Fluent UI design system, and how Dylan Field pitched Figma to the investors in the early days. Enjoy!

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Issue #15

Figma Maker Week. Remote work. 3rd-party apps.

In this issue, we’ll look at public projects from Figma Maker Week, talk about remote design as a new reality for many teams, learn how other designers and developers use Figma, and how design systems are organized in large teams. There is also an unusually large number of products built for Figma — iPadOS and Linux clients, a collaborative workspace for planning work, and plugin for creating and customizing illustrations. Enjoy!

P.S. Thank you to everyone who showed interest in my upcoming book ​“Designing in Figma”! After writing this newsletter for six months, I thought I know the app pretty well, but I keep discovering new features and tricks as I work on the book. Makes me appreciate a fantastic tool we have in our hands even more!

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Issue #14

Book announcement. Figma raises $50M in Series D.

Designing in Figma – v1 of the book cover

Folks, it’s a big day around here! For the last few months, I’ve been working on a book about Figma and finally ready to talk about it publicly. ​“Designing in Figma” is a complete guide to using the app and designing with reusable components and styles. It dives deep into every topic and filled with tricks that I collected while writing this newsletter. The book is coming later this summer, and it would mean a lot to me if you help spread the word and subscribe to updates.

P.S. I’m trying a new format in this issue. Instead of grouping links by source, I organized them by topic. Let me know what you think on Twitter or by replying to this email.

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Issue #13

Links & Universal Search. Stay at Home Valley. Building Selection Colors.

Six months ago, when starting this newsletter, I was worried that there might not be enough content for a fortnightly digest. Now I regularly have to pass on links to keep the newsletter’s length under control. It’s great to see how fast the community is growing and how many cool things it builds.

Since the last time, Figma released Links, Spotify wrote about their ways of working and organizing files, VMware ran a remote design sprint, the community built Stay at Home Valley, Marcin Wichary shared the process of building Selection Colors, and Blokdots came up with a way to connect Figma prototype with Arduino. If you enjoy this newsletter, please share it with your circle.

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Issue #12

April Fools’ Day. Remote design resources.

It seems like our industry is slowly adjusting to the new reality — projects are getting shipped, articles published, and plugins released. The team at Figma made a couple of small but impactful improvements to the app, including Styles support in Selection Colors. They even had a delightful April 1st update! Framer X introduced Figma importer, so now it’s easy to start designing in Figma and finish prototyping interactions in Framer X. This issue also includes remote design resources from the community, a collection of resume templates, and guide for note-taking in remote usability testing. Enjoy!

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Issue #11

Figma on iPad. Reconfig Slack. Dylan Field at ‘This Week In Startups’.

I hope most of you are settling into a new routine of working from home. If you miss human interaction, Figma just opened their Slack workspace from the Config conference to the public. Since the last issue Apple released iPadOS 13.4 with mouse and trackpad support that makes Figma almost fully-functional on the iPad, Dylan Field appeared at Jason Calacanis’ show ​“This Week In Startups,” and a few cool plugins were released. Enjoy the links, and stay safe out there!

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Issue #10

COVID-19. Hand Tool. Remote work.

What a couple of weeks, right? The pandemic of COVID-19 makes everything else insignificant at the moment, but maybe this newsletter will give you a short break from the bad news. I hope you can stay home and work remotely to keep yourself and those around you healthy — tools like Figma make this more comfortable than ever.

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