To answer some common questions about Component Properties, Tom Lowry re-recorded the little run-through that he did during one of the breaks at Config.
Great collection of short videos about Figma by Chris Michel, UX Lead at Google.
Recordings of all 68 sessions by 100 speakers from Config 2022.
“Say goodbye to your drop shadow hacks. Now, you can apply individual borders to customize tables, lists, and single-sided panels.” This is one of my favorite updates!
Create more natural and fluid transitions for your prototypes with spring presets or a custom animation.
It’s finally here! Pro tip: open the Quick Actions panel (Cmd-/) and type “dark” to switch quickly and avoid going through nested menus.
”We’ve announced some new updates on Auto Layout at Config 2022, including negative spacing, absolute position, and more! In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through what’s new and what’s changed.”
Figma CEO Dylan Field kicked off Config 2022 with opening remarks and the launch of 15 new features, ranging from favoriting files to a new version of Auto Layout. At this point, I’m more excited about Dylan’s keynotes than Apple’s. Love how every Config makes our lives better by addressing real problems and small annoyances.
Figma Designer Advocate Luis Ouriach talks to designers from Automattic about improving collaboration through inclusive workshops and processes.
Charli Marie helps get started with using FigJam by introducing the tools for creating user flows, sitemaps, wireframes, and brainstorming activities.
Charlie Marie explains why she values and uses both Figma and Webflow in her process.
Always love the events where Figma brings different Figmates for rapid-fire tips! “Whether you’re new to Figma or a pro yourself, tune in to get an inside look on how the teams who build Figma use Figma.”
An older educational video, but really thorough and detailed.
Dan & Xiang demonstrate what you can do with the LottieFiles Figma plugin.
A cool explainer of impressive interactive effects made with Figma, Spline, and Anima.
Really nuanced and detail-oriented recreation of a standard macOS button by Nathan Manousos.
“How can we update and test our design system components in Figma? With branching, we have a space to explore updates in our main library files while keeping the source of truth intact. And, with Swap Library, we can quickly change what libraries are being used in a file. Let’s take a look at how we can use these features together to iterate and test our components.”
Figma Designer Advocate Luis Ouriach talks to the UX Lead at Domas Markevičius about how they embed a culture of collaboration and communication between designers and developers.
Leica shows the interface of their new iconic M11 camera is being made in Figma during the announcement (starts at 3:22). Really cool!
Ari Pxl: “This is a deep dive for Figma, we start with the absolute basics and work our way to more complex topics like Design Tokens, Components, Auto Layouts, Prototypes and more.”