Here's how I organize my design file after it reaches a certain stage. This has worked for me over the years. Hope this helps others too. 😇
— → (@hckmstrrahul) August 17, 2020
Firstly, I add a mini design doc/summary of all important things for someone viewing the file.
And a simple thumbnail 😌
Joey Banks shows a nice use case for combining Layout Grids with Constraints. For a deeper dive, check out my older article on this feature.
Here's a quick @figmadesign speedrun to show how you can combine Layout Grids with Constraints to create the perfect effect when resizing a frame/component with nested items. ↔️✨
— Joey Banks (@joeyabanks) September 3, 2020
With shiki 0.2.0, you can use `shiki-svg-renderer` to render code to SVG and edit them in @figmadesign / Affinity Photo / Adobe Illustrator. Enjoy 🏳️🌈
— Pine (@octref) August 24, 2020
Joel Califa suggests assigning a system shortcut to the Find & Replace plugin.
Figma tip:
— Joel Califa (@notdetails) August 15, 2020
1. Install the Find & Replace plugin:
2. Go to your mac's System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts and make ⌘F trigger it.
3. You now have "native" Find functionality on @figmadesign 🔍✨
I didn't know this @figmadesign trick for the longest time. You can return to instance after edit AND after selecting back the component.
— Meng To (@MengTo) August 12, 2020
We’ve got something brewing that I think you’ll like ;–)
— Rasmus Andersson (@rsms) August 20, 2020
Ok. Let's do this @figmadesign...
— ˗ˏˋrogieˎˊ (@rogie) August 6, 2020
we released an internal @figmadesign plugin today at @lyftdesignteam that allows designers to seamlessly switch between light and dark mode directly within Figma. and yes, it does support elevation overlays.
— Alex Lockwood (@alexjlockwood) July 29, 2020
My friend Nether @nether8904 told me that Figma effect styles' icon will indicate the offset direction. That's a really cool detail! @figmadesign
— Hal (@leadream4) August 1, 2020
Figma shortcut of the day: Alt/Option + L will collapse all groups & frames in the layers panel! ✨
— Gleb Sabirzyanov (@gleb_sexy) July 29, 2020
When there are so many objects that you start losing your head while navigating the layers — Alt + L (win) or Option + L (mac) is your savior! @figmadesign #FigmaTip
Tired of clicking into nested layers in @figmadesign & don't know how many layers deep you have to go to get to the thing?
— ˗ˏˋrogieˎˊ (@rogie) July 27, 2020
Cmd/Ctrl + Right Click the object and out whips this friendly little menu that shows child/parent objects. Ditch that layer panel like a boss.#figmatips
A few weeks ago I ordered an @elgatogaming #StreamDeck to help me be more productive as an agency co-founder and designer. My findings so far:
— Leon Ephraïm (@leonephraim) July 29, 2020
TL;DR it's helped me both speed up my design workflow in @figmadesign as well as made KM macro's more top-of-mind
I shared some of Jordan’s experiments before, but this one goes much further.
This changes everything. 🤯
— jordan singer (@jsngr) July 18, 2020
With GPT-3, I built a Figma plugin to design for you.
I call it "Designer"
I recently learned that in the Size field of the Export panel, a number followed by w
or h
could be used to specify the width or height of the exported image.
TIL: you can set the width or height of an exported file in @figmadesign by entering a number followed by 'w' or 'h' in the Size field.
— Eugene Fedorenko 🇺🇦 (@efedorenko) July 20, 2020
Sho Kuwamoto provides some context for their decision.
This week, we partnered with our friends at @AdobeXD and @sketch to move away from the "master component" terminology.
— Sho Kuwamoto (@skuwamoto) July 22, 2020
Predictably, we were met with a few replies from haters who thought we were being too "PC".
It seems like Figma is either rolling out or testing support for templates, but so far, it’s been available only to some people.
OMG @figmadesign has templates now?!?! It just keeps getting better and better omg ♥️♥️♥️ (source - @skd2492)
— Congrats! You have peaked in life because Chandra (@NCResq) July 3, 2020
Lots of great recommendations in the replies.
What are some of your current favorite @figmadesign plugins, and what do you use them for? 👆👾
— hyam (@hyumankind) June 23, 2020
There are some great examples in replies. Make sure not to miss charts shared by Rasmus Andersson.
Who's using @figmadesign for specs, documentation, etc — not just design? Would love to see examples.
— Fiona 🍕 (@fionaosaurusrex) June 11, 2020
Useful keyboard shortcut to keep in mind!
— ˗ˏˋrogieˎˊ (@rogie) June 25, 2020
Y'all, I got another rad Figma tip for you:
You can instantly set opacity in the editor by selecting an object and pressing the number keys? #figmatips
A small timesaver if you’re designing in the browser.
If you use @figmadesign in the browser, did you know you can go to to really quickly and easily create a new file? ✨
— Joey Banks (@joeyabanks) June 24, 2020