Exports. Library Analytics. Config speakers.
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Release Notes
New Export Setting: Detailed or Basic Image Sampling
When exporting a raster image (JPG, PNG, PDF), now you can choose an image resampling option. Image resampling helps maintain the quality of your exports by determining the color of each pixel. It’s useful when exporting images to different sizes or a vector design to a raster format.
The Detailed option (default) uses an image resampling method called “bicubic sampling.” This method looks at each pixel and uses a weighted average of at least four surrounding pixels from the original image for export. Best used when optimizing for detail in exports, such as high-quality images, vector art, and assets with gradients or drop shadows.
The Basic option uses an image resampling method known as “nearest neighbor sampling.” This method looks at pixels from the original image and finds the closest matching pixel to use for the export. Best used when optimizing for hard lines in assets or for assets that don’t need finer details, like icons, low-resolution images, and pixel art.
Updated image resampling on exports in Figma Design
Miggi explains and shows the new export options in action.
SVG export fixes
SVG exports will now correctly render background blur and both angular and diamond gradients.
In-app Library Analytics
Org and Enterprise customers can now find styles and variables data in their analytics reporting within Figma. This is in addition to the existing component data for a given library. Library Analytics API is out of beta and includes styles and variables data as well, but it’s only available to Enterprise customers.
Design System Insights with Library Analytics
Chad from Figma explains how Library Analytics in Figma Organization and Enterprise enables you to gain insights into library usage trends and drill into component, style, and variable usage.
Design system 104: Making metrics matter
“Behind every successful design system lies a surprising secret: numbers. Learn how tracking the right metrics can transform your design system from a helpful resource into a powerful engine for efficiency.”
What’s New
Meet the makers defining tech’s next chapter
A first look at who’ll be taking the stage at Config in San Francisco this May: Andrew “Boz” Bosworth, CTO at Meta; Ebi Atawodi, Director of Product Management at YouTube Studio; Joel Lewenstein, Head of Product Design at Anthropic; Dr. Madeline Gannon; Karri Saarinen, Linear co-founder and CEO, and more.
Double click: Human takes on agentic AI
“There’s a lot of buzz about AI agents. Robots that do more with less supervision—what could go wrong? We asked our community how this might shake up how we think about UX.”
Aspect Ratio News
Kinda wild how big of a deal last week’s Aspect Ratio release has become. While it’s one of the “finally!” releases, it’s also a good reminder that many features considered essential by product teams might actually wait quite a while. The Technology Brothers podcast covered the design community’s reaction and followed up with a discussion about Figma’s position in the market.
Using Figma
Rocket livestream
Brett from Designjoy streams his process of working on a rocket illustration.
Highlight text
A creative workaround to turn text underline into color highlight with no hacks.
Made in Figma
Cool “Figma Studio Deck” illustration by Bedirhan Doğan.
Animate It
A new plugin by Vijay Verma to quickly create animated smart components that are used most of the time, like rotate, zoom, slide, etc. It generates a set of components based on the selected animation preset.
Copy Figma variables to CSS variables
Luis Ouriach built a plugin for copying or exporting your Figma variables into CSS variables format.