MDS is killing it with a killer Auto Layout tutorial. Who cares if it’s a bit late for Halloween!
I made a killer auto layout tutorial for @figma. There are three critical things you need to understand in order to use it efficiently...
— MDS (@mds) November 8, 2022
Vijay keeps teasing Rogie’s new plugin Noise & Texture. You’ll notice that it’s currently in beta and requires a code to unlock, but if you look closely at this thread you may find one.
Last night, when I was bored in a meeting 😌, I made some noise in @figma using the NT plugin @rogie. With this pluign we can create cool metal, wood, and many other texture by simply combining with layer mode. Shared some tips below 🧶
— vijay verma •ᴗ• (@realvjy) November 8, 2022
Nilay Patel from The Verge interviews Dylan Field for the Decoder podcast. It’s the longest and sharpest interview since the acquisition — an absolute must-read. “So I wanted to talk to Dylan about the deal, why he’s doing it, how he made the decision to sell, and what things he can do as part of Adobe that he couldn’t do as an independent company. Dylan’s also a pretty expansive thinker, so after we talked about his company getting the “fuck you” money from Adobe, we talked about making VR Figma for the metaverse and AGI, which is artificial general intelligence, or the kind of AI that can fully think for itself.”
Slides from Figma’s Chief Product Officer Yuhki Yamashita talk at Web Summit on “how design is changing, and how we need to change with it”. Hope the video will become available one day, as it’s a really interesting take on the modern design and development process.
Steve Schoger shows how to draw a fingerprint icon using the full power of Figma’s vector networks.
✨ How to draw a fingerprint icon in @figma
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) November 3, 2022
As always, Vijay Verma pushes the limits of Figma with a fun experiment based on Auto Layout and an animated prototype. Great to see how easy it was to build and control.
Another fun experiment using @figma prototype. I made this small head rig last week. Creating this was lot of fun 😍. By using cavas as masks and combining with autolayout, I created this so quickly. Sharing behind the scene below 🧶
— vijay verma •ᴗ• (@realvjy) November 1, 2022
Clara Ujiie with a nifty FigJam trick.
TIL you can customize the anchor points for your FigJam connectors by holding cmd while you drag the connector. ty @lbudorick
— Clara Ujiie (@claraujiie) October 31, 2022
Gleb Sabirzyanov suggests a few approaches for fixing broken vector paths and shapes.
❓ How to fix an issue in Figma when you try to outline, flatten, or union a shape and it disappears or becomes broken.
— Gleb Sabirzyanov (@gleb_sexy) November 4, 2022
A thread of methods that *may* help solve this @figma glitch:
This week, Designer Advocate Mal talks about Taylor Swift Midnights Cover Template, Halloween Retrospective Template, Hidden Kittens, and Calendar.
It's FRIDAY! Time for 🔥🔥That's So Hot!🔥🔥 An album artwork template? Halloween vibes 🎃! Kittens 🐈 and Calendars 🗓️
— Mal (@mdeandesign) October 28, 2022
Not sure if this is new but super handy for those of us using Figma for presentations!
shortcut to open 'present' mode in @figma design:
— Anthony DiSpezio (@adispezio) October 24, 2022
mac: cmd+opt+enter
win: ctrl+alt+enter
tooltip reminder in the UI coming soon!
Copy-pasting objects from FigJam to Figma never disappoints.
If you want to have an embedded Youtube video in your @Figma file, like to document process, share resources, or have a contextual walkthrough.
— miggi but espooky 👻 (@miggi) October 23, 2022
1.) Paste the YT link in a FigJam file
2.) Copy-Paste the playable video object into Figma
3.) That's it!#Figmatip
Noah Levin talks about Figma’s unique processes in hiring and culture on the Design To Be podcast.
Luis shows some of the original designs for the component icon by Rasmus Andersson. At this point, it’s hard to imagine anything other than ❖, but I also like #7 and #14.
I was digging through old Figma files and found a few of @rsms's original designs for the ❖ component icon
— luis. (@disco_lu) October 19, 2022
Literally naming the component!
If we changed to another one, what would you choose?
These are all main component / instance pairs
Miggi shows how to do hanging opening quotes with Auto Layout.
A pet peeve of mine is seeing opening quotes set within a block of type. Using Auto layout and absolute position, you, too can make better quote blocks in @figma. #figmatip
— miggi but spooky 👻 (@miggi) October 18, 2022
More about optical margin alignment:
& in CSS:
Ridd shows how to use the new beta to expose the subcomponent state, avoid breaking down components, and set preferred values for “slots”.
The component properties beta is 🔥
— Ridd 🏛 (@Ridderingand) October 18, 2022
Here are 3 ways I'm using the new features to level up my Figma game 👇
With the recent improvements to variants and components, Ridd makes a point that the benefits of using base components are no longer worth the cost for the design systems work. That said, they’re still great for exploratory work.
I'm constantly asked about .base components...
— Ridd 🏛 (@Ridderingand) October 13, 2022
My answer: now that variant sets are smaller AND it's easier to make bulk changes...
The benefit (ease of updating) is no longer worth the cost (ease of use).
But there's one use case I still love 👇
Designer Advocate Mal shares one hot community file, plugin, and widget.
Got a min? Welcome to That's So Hot! Figma Fridays where I share a 🔥 community file, plugin, and widget
— Mal (@mdeandesign) October 14, 2022
An interesting comment from Rasmus Andersson on how the design team at Figma works. Many people get anxious when collaborators or viewers appear in their files in the middle of work. There must be a better way than moving files between private Drafts and public files. (Personally, I’d love to see something similar to the git push
command developers use — privately work on changes, then when you’re ready send them to the public file. This would obviously affect multi-player collaboration, but sounds like an interesting challenge to think about.)
The key Figma workflow is to conduct the majority of day-to-day “heads down” design work in draft files (maybe shared with a designer you’re partnering with.) at the end of the day or week, stage stuff to a dedicated shared file for a larger audience.
— Rasmus Andersson (@rsms) October 7, 2022
An interesting technique from Luis on using component props for adding spacing around icons only in some instances, for example when used inside a button.
How can you use component props for contextual spacing?
— luis. (@disco_lu) October 4, 2022
For example, an icon that needs a 12px margin in *some* instances?
– Create a spacer component
– Place that inside a wrapper component for your icon
– Nest that one inside your main component
– Bubble up the props
At the recent All-Hands call Sho Kuwamoto confirmed that Figma is working on design tokens. Schema Conference seems to be a perfect moment to announce them, so fingers crossed!