“In this video, we will guide you on how to select a single frame from a Lottie animation from the LottieFiles Library and export it to Figma. Then, we will use this new SVG and place it as part of our UI and animate it in Figma using the prototype feature.”
Nadia Sotnikova on how to edit layers in bulk to ensure consistent naming in the design system.
“Utilize the power of slots and Figma’s native instance swapping capabilities to customize component content without ever needing to detach component instances ever again.”
Miguel is demonstrating the new copy and paste capabilities.
Luis talks to Santosh Komaragiri from Dataguard, who showed how they manage their Figma workspace. Their team has built some incredibly detailed product, marketing, and brand design systems which shows how you can take Figma to new levels of usage.
Zander posts short and fun Instagram videos about using Figma.
“Getting started building your design system can be a lot to take on, which is why we thought we’d bring in Steve Dennie from Onfido. They’ve been doing excellent work in the space and their Team, Project, and File organization is a delight.”
Quick tips from Ana Boyer on how to use a Figma community file with the Batch Styler and Similayer plugins to quickly build a custom design system.
Cool to finally see an official video from Figma on using this hidden technique! See also my old article Using Constraints with Layout Grids in Figma, explaining the same approach.
Miggi shows how to use audio and cursor chat in Figma and FigJam. Audio is only available on paid and education plans. Cursor chat is available both in Figma and FigJam, while high-fives are only part of the FigJam for now.
New introductory videos from Figma, with four parts focused on exploring ideas, creating designs, building prototypes, and preparing files for handoff.