Figbruary submissions keep delivering gems! Double Glitch shows the behind-the-scenes process of making a cool animated light switch.
— Double Glitch 🇺🇦 (@double__glitch) February 11, 2023
'Smart animate a unique toggle. Get creative with it!' by @rogie
Spilled some skeuo over this one.
Also, does it count as a late submission for the light switch 😅? @miggi @realvjy
Sanbron Liong recorded his process of creating a photo-realistic drawing of Galaxy S23 Ultra lenses. See also his experiments with light effect and placement for it.
Layer-by-layer process of drawing #GalaxyS23Ultra lenses. Enjoy! #figma #skeuomorphism #drawing #tutorial
— Sanbron Liong (@sanbronliong) February 7, 2023
Jess starts a productive discussion on organizing files in Figma by asking about having one file per feature where iterations/updates happen and another file for all “done” work. That’s similar to how I organize my work projects, but in reality, bringing work back to the “single source of truth” file or abstracting it to the design system is always hard to prioritize.
You're on a product team and you're organising your files in @figma. It's a large product and if all design work is in one file, the file is too big.
— Jess 🇺🇦 (@jesseddy) February 7, 2023
What do you think about having one file for each feature where iterations/updates happen. And one file for all "done" work?
Molly Hellmuth explains how to build the perfect combo button that contains two actions in one component, each with independent states and resizing behaviors. This button allows designers to combine related actions, saving space and simplifying designs.
💡Figma Tip: Build the perfect combo button
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) February 10, 2023
Create a button that contains 2 actions in one component. Each with independent states and resizing behaviors. This button allows designers to combine related actions, saving space and simplifying designs.
Keep reading to learn how..
Designer Advocate Ana Boyer with great recommendations for reducing noodles, creating micro-interactions, and organizing separate designs into flows.
Working smarter, not harder also applies to prototyping. 😉
— Figma (@figma) February 6, 2023
Here are six #FigmaTips from Designer Advocate @_AnaBoyer for prototyping in Figma.
1/ Draw prototyping links from navigational components to reduce the need for repeatedly drawing connections.
Seems like support for min/max width and height are coming to the Auto Layout! Previous leaks by Nima Owji included support for variable fonts and text baseline alignment, so the chance that this is really coming is pretty good!
#Figma is working on ADVANCED SIZING which allows you to set min/max width and height for the auto layout!
— Nima Owji (@nima_owji) February 3, 2023
Seems like Figma reversed the original policy prohibiting third-party payment tools and delayed the launch of the paid resources in the Community until March 7th. While I believe Figma’s 15% fee for covering transactional costs and acting as the merchant of record is very fair, I applaud their flexibility and openness to community feedback. (Historically, Gumroad was one of the most popular platforms for selling digital products, but with their recent price increase I don’t know why would anyone go with them instead of a built-in community marketplace.)
👏 Hats off to @figma for listening to creators and reversing their policy - a great move unlike other companies who take advantage of their ecosystem makers whenever they can (🐦👀)
— Vincent Le Moign 🇺🇦 (@webalys) February 9, 2023
Four new fonts in FigJam to convey just the right message or feeling. “Simple” is a new standard font for long-form text and easy scanning. “Bookish” is a serif font that adds a touch of formality to headers and quotes. “Technical” is a fixed-width font that mimics the look and feel of code. “Scribbled” is a script-based font that’s perfect for comments and annotations. All fonts were custom-made for FigJam by OH no Type Co and come with lots of beautiful details and juicy ligatures (have you seen the exclamation marks?!)
This is one of the FigJam brand updates that Figma has been working on since last year and just started to roll out. Make sure to check out this Twitter thread by Damien Correll, Creative Director at Figma.
Today’s the day!
— Maybe: Damien (@damiencorrell) February 8, 2023
I’m over-the-moon excited to share some of the @figma FigJam brand updates we’ve started to roll out. Plus, a little typographic side quest 🤓
Yes, #designtwitter this is a thread...
Well, now we all know how to refer to the Auto Layout alignment control.
In a call today someone called this a cracker and from now on this is the term I will be using when demoing Auto layout
— Ana Boyer (@_AnaBoyer) February 1, 2023
Essential list for any card-carrying Figma professional.
If you aren't already doing these things, do you even Figma? 🧵👇
— Corey Lee | Figma Japan (@factorzero) January 30, 2023
Dan Hollick with a great thread on light and dark modes, perceived contrast, APCA, and why we tend to tint dark backgrounds blue.
Why is making a dark mode greyscale so hard to get right?
— Dan Hollick 🇿🇦 (@DanHollick) February 1, 2023
Well, of course it has to do with the weird way humans perceive colour and contrast. 👇
Pretty cool tutorial and community file on creating custom animated blobs without any plugins. A really smart technique combining blur with classic dodge & burn!
How to create these gooey blobs in @figma ? Two ways:
— Double Glitch 🇺🇦 (@double__glitch) January 25, 2023
1. Grab my ready-to-use community file
2. Follow the tutorial in this thread.
Lets go! ⬇️
Epic thread by Molly Hellmuth on the best practices for using property, variant, and Auto Layout features. She just rebuilt her popular UI Prep design system with the latest Figma features and learned a lot in the process.
💡Figma tips: 7 things I learned the hard way updating my 2023 design system.
— Molly Hellmuth (@molly_hellmuth) January 26, 2023
Keep reading to learn new best practices for Figma’s latest property, variant, and auto layout features!..
“A magical AI-powered design tool for Figma” is now available to the public with a 7‑day trial.
🪄 We're finally ready to release the public beta for Magician, a magical AI-powered design tool for Figma.
— Diagram (@diagram) January 24, 2023
Try for free →
Robert Bye reflects on his first full year at the new Figma Native apps team and how much their desktop, iPad, and phone apps have changed in 2022
Reflecting back on my first full year at Figma it's amazing to see how far the new Native apps team has come, and how much our products have improved.
— Robert Bye (@RobertJBye) January 20, 2023
Take a read to see how our desktop, iPad, and phone apps have changed in 2022.
Vijay wrote a step-by-step guide on making a button with a cool multi-color glowing effect.
I always wanted to mask the gradient to create a button like this in @figma. Finally, I found a solution. Here, Sharing the behind-the-scenes and video tutorials to create this cool button.😍
— vijay verma (@realvjy) January 17, 2023
Ana Boyer with tips for using Figma for presentations.
Some #FigmaTips for creating and presenting slides in Figma! 🧵
— Ana Boyer (@_AnaBoyer) January 19, 2023
Luis is experimenting with a different way of managing styles in Figma. He argues that bringing styles a lot closer to their usage makes it easier to understand the context.
I'm playing around with the idea of managing styles in Figma slightly differently
— luis. (@disco_lu) January 17, 2023
Let's take a look at:
• Styles as components
• Contextual, semantic styles
• Simulating "aliases"
• HSL colours
In this tutorial thread, Fons Mans walks through the steps of creating Linear-like gradients. The community file is available as well.
New Tutorial! ✨
— Fons Mans (@FonsMans) January 17, 2023
Learn how to create "@linear gradients" with @figma in just a few easy steps.
Let's get started 👇
A few solid tips and tricks on working with colors in Figma.
6 ways to work smarter (not harder) with 🌈 colors in Figma:
— Jordan Bowman (@jrdnbwmn) January 10, 2023