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Issue #69

Planning templates. Making fonts. Figma on Chromebooks.

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Issue #68

Component Properties. Plugins for Design Systems.

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Issue #67

Grilli Type on variable fonts. Loaders Kit. Supa Palette.

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Issue #65

Config 2022

Welcome to the big post-Config issue! Dylan Field announced lots of improvements to Figma and FigJam during his keynote, so let’s dive in. FigJam got a new collection of widgets for working with tasks and issues in Jira, Asana, and GitHub, as well as cute greeting cards and voice memos. Figma finally got dark mode, variable fonts, spring animations, individual borders, and component properties. Auto Layout was completely redesigned, and now it’s even more powerful. The newly introduced Spotlight makes it easy to gather and guide everyone through a demo. There are even more updates and improvements, so I suggest watching the keynote and going through some of the links I collected. Enjoy!

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Issue #64

The week of Config 2022. Resumes. Overnight success.

It’s the week of two-day Config 2022! What’s on your wishlist for product announcements? Is it dark mode? Long-promised font previews? Wrapping elements inside Auto Layout? Multi-page prototypes? Or maybe a new flavor of delicious prototype noodles? Whatever it is, I’ve never been disappointed by the keynote and really look forward to it!

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Issue #63

A Two-Month Recap

Hi friends! It’s been a minute. On February 25th, I took a break from Figmalion after Russia attacked my home country Ukraine. While I moved to the US almost 10 years ago, my family and friends are still there. Most of them had to flee their homes to get to safety. After two months, dealing with war and its consequences became a part of our daily lives, and now I’m trying to return to regular activities and get some sense of normalcy. I’m grateful to everyone who sent me words of support — that meant a lot!

Working on this issue reminded me how much I love design, great tools, and this community. So many exciting things happened during the last two months! While I couldn’t include everything, this issue should be a good recap of the most important things.

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Issue #62

Naming. Miggi’s challenges. Tips from the Pros.

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Issue #61

File browser. Microinteractions. No-code.

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Issue #60

Design System + Tokens. Material You UI Kit. Beautiful Shadows.

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