Jordan Singer shared the original pitch deck and a video recording for Diagram (acquired by Figma last year).
Vijay Verma shows how “Figma Slides” illustrations were made.
Multiple people noted that rulers are too detached from the content in UI3. “Scoping” rulers to frames makes common use cases easier, but I’d miss the ability to use them directly on the canvas.
A few ways to see the pixel values on Auto Layout frames by KC Oh.
Miggi reminds us that property labels in Figma UI can now be turned on or off.
Robert Bye highlights some details of the new desktop app shipped with UI3. I love the new calm tab icons!
Matt recorded his first reaction walkthrough of the new UI3 and Make Designs AI features. Regarding UI3, I’d also love an option to hide a floating toolbar and “Ready for dev” actions. (There are no developers in my personal workspace, and even at work we have Figma projects with only marketing assets that would never require development.)
I did not expect to see Adobe as an example of best practices: “Adobe has seen massive outcry from its customers, when their old T&Cs suggested Adobe *could* train on customer work. This is why I’m baffled Figma enrolls paying customers (if they are non-enterprise) to GenAI training, by default.”
The next day, Dylan Field posted a thread stating that “the accusations around data training in this tweet are false” and reiterating that Make Designs “uses off-the-shelf LLMs, combined with design systems we commissioned to be used by these models.”
The Make Designs feature was disabled until the team completes a full QA pass on the underlying design system.
Last Monday, Andy Allen from Not Boring Software asked Figma AI to design a “not boring weather app.” The generated result was almost a copy of Apple’s Weather app on iOS, even when using a different prompt. CTO of Figma Kris Rasmussen commented that they’re investigating and clarified that “there was no training as part of this feature or any of our generative features,” so the similarities are a function of the 3rd-party models and commissioned design systems.
Mihika shares the inspiration and the process of making one of the coolest Slides features.
Mihika Kapoor shares the story of taking Flides from the Maker Week pitch to reality. That team photo in the end is a poor gold. Also, see Keeyen’s demo tutorial from a year ago with an early prototype, where he pretends to be Zander Supafast.
“You’ll now find Figma Slides templates featured on our homepage, a new much-improved navigation, and simpler category pages.” Oh, and there is also a new homepage!
Jackie Chui, a Product Designer at Figma, shares a few more quality-of-life improvements to Auto Layout that the new Suggest Auto Layout feature might have outshined.
Software Engineer Shirley Miao explains how the new “auto auto layout“ was built.
Software Engineer Jediah Katz shares 5 of his favorite tips for making the most of the “Make prototype” AI tool: name your layers, properly group layers, select only interactive elements instead of entire screens, review the results, and undo if unhappy.
Great observation from Nate Baldwin on the new “Make designs.”
Design Engineer Vincent van der Meulen explains how it was built.
Designer Marco Cornacchia explains how it works. See also his follow-up thread on why the new Asset Search marks the end of the “design graveyard.”
Arthur Objartel offers solutions to a few problems he discovered in the new UI. There are good discussions in the comments, and of course, I couldn’t walk past a suggestion of better OKLCH format support!