Well-crafted pack with more than 1,700 emojis, which are nicely structured and easy-to-use.
Both Regular and Brand icon sets available as ready-to-use components.
Really smart solution! “This trick uses the dash/gap length to calculate exact degree marks. This lightweight approach makes it easy to store all of the information for interval marks in a single stroke.”
Config is back on April 21st, 2021! The call for speakers is open through February 21st.
Figma introduced Support Forum, which in time will become an easily referenced resource for troubleshooting and best practices.
A beautiful explanation of the fundamentals of good typography.
A collection of cool micro-interactions made in Figma.
Martin Bekerman is a Brand Design Lead at Netflix and a fantastic illustrator. See some of his recent artworks in the next section.
Noah Levin, Design Director at Figma, collected 20 of his favorite tips and tricks for whipping up something quickly.
The team at Microsoft published a v2 of the Fluent System Icons toolkit. New sizes are available, with over 4.5k icons per theme. The new icons are built with Variants, friendlier, have rounded corners and simplified shapes.
Presentation template featuring ‘Stuck at Home’ illustrations by Blush.
Polaris for Admin Web UI kit is focused on building and creating products for Shopify.
What a gem! “This file contains the Figma design language and system. It includes the styles, components, and variants Figma’s design team uses everyday to design Figma itself, as well as some instructions and best practices.”