Vijay keeps teasing Rogie’s new plugin Noise & Texture. You’ll notice that it’s currently in beta and requires a code to unlock, but if you look closely at this thread you may find one.
Last night, when I was bored in a meeting 😌, I made some noise in @figma using the NT plugin @rogie. With this pluign we can create cool metal, wood, and many other texture by simply combining with layer mode. Shared some tips below 🧶
— vijay verma •ᴗ• (@realvjy) November 8, 2022
This tweet by the design company R/GA made rounds last week. I definitely enjoy seeing all the pushback in the replies. In my Figma files the ratio of participating designers to non-designers is somewhere between 1:5 and 1:20, depending on the project — a night-and-day difference from the old days.
What they say: "It's in Figma."
— R/GA (@RGA) November 10, 2022
What they mean: "I dare you, a nondesigner, to open Figma and figure out what the hell is going on. We both know that is not going to happen. So why don't you leave me alone and you can see it when it's finished."
Love when folks share some of the Maker Week projects! Here is a beautiful finished mural.
maker week mural for @figma NYC in progress 🦋
— dipa (@dipalua_) November 2, 2022
I had a few good laughs from replies to this Halloween tweet.
Scare a designer with a screenshot 👻
— Figma (@figma) October 31, 2022
Steve Schoger shows how to draw a fingerprint icon using the full power of Figma’s vector networks.
✨ How to draw a fingerprint icon in @figma
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) November 3, 2022
As always, Vijay Verma pushes the limits of Figma with a fun experiment based on Auto Layout and an animated prototype. Great to see how easy it was to build and control.
Another fun experiment using @figma prototype. I made this small head rig last week. Creating this was lot of fun 😍. By using cavas as masks and combining with autolayout, I created this so quickly. Sharing behind the scene below 🧶
— vijay verma •ᴗ• (@realvjy) November 1, 2022
Clara Ujiie with a nifty FigJam trick.
TIL you can customize the anchor points for your FigJam connectors by holding cmd while you drag the connector. ty @lbudorick
— Clara Ujiie (@claraujiie) October 31, 2022
A popular thread on some of the key Figma features for use in a design system.
10 @figma must-know design system things
— Nitish Khagwal ✨ (@nitishkmrk) October 31, 2022
thread 🧵 ...
Gleb Sabirzyanov suggests a few approaches for fixing broken vector paths and shapes.
❓ How to fix an issue in Figma when you try to outline, flatten, or union a shape and it disappears or becomes broken.
— Gleb Sabirzyanov (@gleb_sexy) November 4, 2022
A thread of methods that *may* help solve this @figma glitch:
Dan Hollick with another nerdy thread, this time explaining boolean operators.
Did you know these are called Boolean Operations?
— Dan Hollick 🇿🇦 (@DanHollick) November 2, 2022
That's because they use booleans to determine which part of the shapes should be visible.
Let me explain 👇
Seems like Figma’s design team had a fantastic time together in their San Francisco hub.
In SFO, looking @ the misty bay & thinking that if you told college Cai who was delivering calzones & working 4 jobs that I'd be planning events across the country for a remarkable group of designers, I wouldn't have believed you.
— cai-o-lantern 🎃 (@igobycai) October 27, 2022
Highlights re: @figma product design onsite...
I’m indifferent to the Halloween celebration, but the fact that the Figma team took the time to add so many fun touches across both apps makes me happy.
working @figma is working at a company where anyone can come up w/ a crazy idea and the team says "hell yes!" and makes it reality
— Mihika Kapoor (@mihikapoor) October 28, 2022
HAPPY JAM-O-WEEN to all, we hope you enjoy this spook-tacular experience as much as we do👻🎃
brought 2 FigJam files near u
keep scrollin’ for BTS
This week, Designer Advocate Mal talks about Taylor Swift Midnights Cover Template, Halloween Retrospective Template, Hidden Kittens, and Calendar.
It's FRIDAY! Time for 🔥🔥That's So Hot!🔥🔥 An album artwork template? Halloween vibes 🎃! Kittens 🐈 and Calendars 🗓️
— Mal (@mdeandesign) October 28, 2022
Not sure if this is new but super handy for those of us using Figma for presentations!
shortcut to open 'present' mode in @figma design:
— Anthony DiSpezio (@adispezio) October 24, 2022
mac: cmd+opt+enter
win: ctrl+alt+enter
tooltip reminder in the UI coming soon!
Copy-pasting objects from FigJam to Figma never disappoints.
If you want to have an embedded Youtube video in your @Figma file, like to document process, share resources, or have a contextual walkthrough.
— miggi but espooky 👻 (@miggi) October 23, 2022
1.) Paste the YT link in a FigJam file
2.) Copy-Paste the playable video object into Figma
3.) That's it!#Figmatip
What a dumpster fire. It seems to be Pantone’s decision, but both companies look awful now.
Fun times ahead for #Adobe designers. Today, if you open a PSD (even one that's 20 years old) with an obscure PANTONE colour, it will remove the colour and make it black. Pantone want US$21/month for access, and Solid Coated goes behind the paywall in early November.
— Iain Anderson (@funwithstuff) October 28, 2022
Announcement from Figma: “We’re launching new features to help teams move work forward. Join us for a livestream Tuesday, Oct 25 at 9AM PST to be the first to try them out for yourself!”
Anyone can have a good idea. Making it real is the hard part. 😅
— Figma (@figma) October 20, 2022
We’re launching new features to help teams move work forward.
Join us for a livestream Tuesday, Oct 25 at 9AM PST to be the first to try them out for yourself! See you there
Dan Hollick explains how every color blending mode in graphic editors works.
Do you just click different blending modes until it sort of looks right?
— Dan Hollick 🇿🇦 (@DanHollick) October 20, 2022
Well, that probably won't change after you read this but at least you probably won't use Lighten or Darken again.
(you should bookmark this thread and use it as a reference)
In this CNBC interview, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen shares his thoughts on the company’s plans to acquire Figma and innovation in a hybrid work environment.
Back like we never left ⚡⚡⚡ With @adobemax returning to LA for the first time in three years, @Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen shares his thoughts on the company's plans to acquire @figma and innovation in a hybrid work environment.
— TechCheck (@CNBCTechCheck) October 18, 2022
A short thread of a few hints on the future of Figma from the Adobe Max conference.
Yesterday at Adobe Max there were a lot of hints and announcement on how the synergies between Adobe and Figma will be...
— Damián Martone (@DamsTweets) October 19, 2022