An hour-long live stream of a panel organized by Figma with their customers like Workday, Uber, and Dropbox. They are at different stages of migrating to Figma and share their experiences and challenges.
Another story about switching to Figma?! Yes, but this one also highlights how agency replaced not only Sketch but also InVision prototypes and Principle animations with it.
Metalab got to try Figma while working on a presentation tool Pitch. They are not ready to completely switch from Sketch yet but provide a few tips on moving from to Figma.
Intercom’s distributed design team faced challenges with the complexity and limitations of their toolset as the company grew, so they looked for an alternative and picked Figma. This post tells why they moved to it, what they liked, and what they did not. Interestingly, document organization and the absence of files were some of the most important reasons for them.